Facts and questions

How does the payment of fees work?

  • Fees are payable UP FRONT on a termly basis. At the beginning of each term, a statement is sent out with the fees for the term and the breakdown of how these are calculated.
  • If a pupil starts in the middle of the term, you will pay a pro-rata rate, from your 1st lesson, until the end of the term.

What happens if one of our lessons falls on a public holiday?

  • All fees are worked out individually, based on the day that your child swims. So, if one of the lessons falls on a public holiday, that lesson will NOT be included in the fees.

What happens if my child misses a lesson?

  • We regret that we are unable to do make up lessons due to the fact that the pool is fully booked. We do however make exception where there may be a gap in the schedule and we are able to fit this in. It is unfortunate that children to do get sick /  have other unforeseen commitments that interfere with lessons, but our teachers make a commitment to be at the pool and need to earn their salary accordingly, so fees are still payable for lessons missed.
  • If Headstart has to cancel a lesson for any unforeseen reason – we will credit the pupil account for that lesson if we are unable to make the lesson up.

What is the temperature of the pool?

  • The temperature fluctuates between 31° & 34°.

How long do children take before they can swim by themselves?

  • All children are different, and will learn at a different rate. Some learn quickly (a few months), others take longer. It is impossible for us to say how long they will take. It all depends on their determination, confidence in the water and level of concentration.

What can we do at home to improve their ability to learn?

  • The more time a child spends in the water in a safe and happy environment the quicker they will learn. If you have access to a pool, swim with your child as often as possible and encourage them to blow bubbles and kick their legs. Practice anything you remember from their lessons. If you do not have a pool – get them to lie in the bath and blow bubbles. Use toys and songs to make it fun – children learn through play. Ensure that your child is safe at all times

Is it possible to drownproof a child?

  • NO. No-one is ever drown proof. We do however say that a child “water safe” once they can swim by themselves. Different people react differently to different situations, and even the most experienced swimmers can drown in certain situations. The emphasis needs to be on safety and an adult should be present at all times when children are swimming.

Is 15mins long enough for a lesson?

  • 15mins is the perfect length of time for a productive swimming lesson. Children can’t concentrate on one thing for too long before losing focus. So if the lesson was any longer that 15mins, the end of the lesson would actually be unproductive and a waste of money in most cases. Swimming is also tiring and most young children tend to tire after 15 minutes in the water.

What is the perfect age to start lessons?

  • Once again, this differs from child to child due to fact that they develop at different rates. We recommend that pupils start with us from 18 months.

Is it worth coming to moms and tots lessons?

  • The point of moms and tots swimming is to bond, have fun and build your tots confidence in the water. At these lessons your tot will become familiar with and comfortable in the water, thus providing the basis for learning to swim. Once they are physically stronger, they will also progress quicker.

Does swimming in winter make you sick?

  • No. Viruses are transmitted by direct contact between people and causes illness – not cold whether. The reason the likelihood of getting sick is higher in winter is due to the fact that people are indoors more and this creates a prime opportunity for germs to spread.

Why do we insist on swimming caps in the water?

  • Firstly, for hygiene reasons.
  • Secondly, so that all the hair does not fall out into the water and get sucked into the pump, thus blocking it.
  • Thirdly, to keep the hair out their faces whilst they are swimming.

Should I get goggles for my child?

  • We prefer that children don’t learn with goggles.
  • Children become so reliant on their goggles, that if they don’t have them they can’t swim at all (even though they can swim with goggles). If this is the case – the y are not water safe. Once they can swim without goggles, they are welcome to wear them.

Learn to swim with us – sign up today!